Get 10X more Job Interviews with JobCopilot

Automatically apply to jobs from 50,000+ companies worldwide

Transform the way you search

Unlock your potential and take charge of your career journey with our innovative tools and resources designed specifically for women. At Kal Academy, we believe in empowering you to navigate the job market with confidence and skill. 

More Job Interviews

Get 10X more job interview requests.

Gain Comptetitve Edge

Apply faster than other job seekers.

Seize Every Opportunity

Never miss a job opportunity.

Stress Free

Let go of the pain and stress brought by job searching.

Get Back Your Time

Save multiple hours every week that you can use for yourself.

Do What Matters

Spend your reclaimed time on activities that matter most to you.

How it Works

One-time easy setup, then your copilot automatically searches the most relevant jobs and applies for you, every day!

One time setup

Define your job search using multiple filters and options

Upload your resume

Add your details and answer a few screening questions

Auto Apply

Each day your copilot searches jobs and automatically applies

Track your applications

Use your Job Application Tracker to monitor progress

Take it for a spin

Tired of filling in job applications?

Let your AI copilot do it for you.